~marginalrevolution | Bookmarks (551)
Thursday assorted links
1. How does low fertility affect economic growth? Podcast with Alice Evans and Jesús Fernández-Villaverde. 2....
Tariffs Hurt Manufacturing
In Disentangling the Effects of the 2018-2019 Tariffs on a Globally Connected U.S. Manufacturing Sector (forthcoming)...
My Conversation with the excellent Kyla Scanlon
Here is the audio, video, and transcript. Here is the episode summary: Kyla Scanlon has made...
Incentives matter, the demand curve slopes downward, mental health edition
Since 2000, pharmaceuticals for common psychiatric conditions aged out of patent protection. After generic entry, supply...
Model this
Doctors were given cases to diagnose, with half getting GPT-4 access to help. The control group...
Wednesday assorted links
1. Listen to it order 400 strawberries. 2. Does studying philosophy make you a more rigorous...
New MRU Video! Negative Externalities
Here’s the latest video from Marginal Revolution University. It covers negative externalities–drawing, of course, from the...
Podcast on science policy
It is titled ARPAS, FROs, and Fast Grants, Oh My! The host is the excellent Tammy...
Econ Journal Watch, new issue
Volume 21, Number 2, September 2024 In this issue: Academic Productivity after the CEA: Gordon Tullock...
Tuesday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION
1. “Montana Man Sentenced for Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges as Part of Yearslong Effort to Create...
There are not 13,099 Illegal Immigrant Murderers Roaming Free on American Streets - Marginal REVOLUTION
Migrants incarcerated for homicide are considered “non-detained” by ICE when they are in state or federal prisons....
Predicting future promotions from police cadets’ facial traits - Marginal REVOLUTION
From the results: Facial traits are the primary driver of subject perceptions of leadership ability, and...
The dominance of large factor models in finance - Marginal REVOLUTION
This is less news to the private sector traders on the frontier, but the idea now...
The culture that is Washington, D.C. - Marginal REVOLUTION
Campaign-finance reports reveal that Republicans overwhelmingly outspend Democrats at every major steakhouse in the city… At...
My podcast with Brian Chau - Marginal REVOLUTION
I appear on his show, he describes it as follows: Tyler Cowen: No Such Thing As...
Monday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION
1. Richard Butler, Australian hero. 2. Is signaling too cheap these days? 3. Ross Barkan on...
Reducing Pollution in India with a Cap and Trade Market - Marginal REVOLUTION
India has some of the worst air pollution in the world. India regulates pollution but it...
Carrying costs > liquidity premium, and not only pandas have a fertility crisis - Marginal REVOLUTION
A zoo in Finland has agreed with Chinese authorities to return two loaned giant pandas to...
*Megalopolis* (only modest spoilers) - Marginal REVOLUTION
A fascinating movie, far more interesting than most of the slop they send your way. And...
Newsome vetoes AI bill - Marginal REVOLUTION
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed a controversial artificial-intelligence safety bill that pitted some of the biggest tech companies against...
Sunday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION
1. The changing federal pay scale. I guess things must run much better now with all...
How tenure should be granted, circa 2024 - Marginal REVOLUTION
Not just on the basis of what you publish, but on what you contribute to the...
*Emancipation* - Marginal REVOLUTION
The author is Peter Kolchin, and the subtitle is The Abolition and Aftermath of American Slavery...
Saturday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION
1. Imports do not subtract from gdp. 2. A duet? 3. How to improve dynamic scoring...