~ecology-news-biolog | Bookmarks (436)
Female hoverflies beat males on long-distance migrations, research finds
Marmalade hoverflies leave northern Europe each autumn to escape the cold winter. A study, by the...
Fly larva with a fake termite face can infiltrate termite mounds and socialize
Nature is full of impostors, and many of them are found in the insect world. Certain...
Fish vision: 3D eye tracking sheds light on swarm dynamics
Schools of fish are mesmerizing examples of collective animal behavior. Thousands of individuals move in near-perfect...
Shallow-water mussels show rapid adaptation to deep-sea life in 10 days
Researchers from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) and the Institute of Oceanology,...
Due to 'the good life' in the city, urban bats give birth earlier than rural bats
A study from Tel Aviv University, the first of its kind on mammals, has found that...
Scientists elucidate molecular mechanisms behind dinoflagellate cyst dormancy
Dinoflagellates play crucial roles in aquatic ecosystems, particularly as major contributors to harmful algal blooms. They...
Some species of baleen whales may avoid attracting killer whales by singing too low to be heard
Killer whales are the only natural predator of baleen whales—those that have "baleen" in their mouths...
Smaller fields and organic crops can boost pollinator diversity in grasslands
Biodiversity is under threat worldwide. While the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)...
Native bee populations can bounce back after honey bees move out
Managed honey bees have the potential to affect native bee populations when they are introduced to...
Cracking the Burmese python code: Data analysis reveals optimal strategies for removing them from Florida
University of Florida scientists have statistically analyzed large amounts of data collected by Burmese python contractors,...
Programmable underwater light could accelerate coral reef restoration
Scientists have developed a novel tool designed to protect and conserve coral reefs by providing them...
New agroforestry maps plot environmental, social and economic benefits of trees
There's a longstanding attitude in many farming communities that trees and agriculture don't mix. But agroforestry—the...
A hopping treasure trove: Scientist discovers 16 new grasshopper species
A Mississippi State University scientist has discovered a hopping treasure trove—16 new species of grasshoppers living...
Humpback whale song shown to be structurally similar to human language
Language has long been considered a uniquely human trait, with features that mark it out as...
Restoring predators, restoring ecosystems: Yellowstone wolves and other carnivores drive strong trophic cascade
A new study reveals the profound ecological effects of wolves and other large carnivores in Yellowstone...
World's rarest marsupial shows signs of recovery after near extinction
A new review has documented the remarkable journey of Australia's most critically endangered marsupial, the Gilbert's...
Whale poop contains iron that may have helped fertilize past oceans
The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. It consumes enormous quantities of tiny,...
Antarctic 'Hoff crab' males grow bigger claws to compete for mates around hot vents
New research has revealed that a hairy crustacean—dubbed "The Hoff crab" when it was discovered in...
Big moms make big impact—half of the coral trout caught on Great Barrier Reef found to be from marine reserves
A new study has found that nearly half the coral trout caught on the Great Barrier...
Estuary bacteria offer hope for pollutant detoxification in saline waters
Scientists from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have identified a...
Pet flea treatments may be harming wildlife—but owners can help
Toxic substances used in flea and tick treatments pet owners give to their dogs and cats...
AI-powered analysis uncovers marine herbivores' impact on eelgrass disease spread
Eelgrass, a type of flowering seagrass found in temperate zones around the world, provides habitat for...
Scientists solve the mystery of sea turtles' 'lost years'
Using satellite trackers, scientists have discovered the whereabouts of young sea turtles during a key part...
Decades of agricultural research lead to biodiversity gains and improved sustainability
New, groundbreaking research shows how, at a local scale, agricultural research and development led to improved...