~ecology-news-biolog | Bookmarks (468)
19 times a day: Male medaka mating limits revealed
Working out the kinks of mating in the animal kingdom helps to gain insights into the...
Snail darter revisited: Famous fish that halted a dam's construction is not endangered after all
A team of ecologists, evolutionary biologists and resource managers affiliated with several institutions across the U.S....
Parasite 'matchmakers' can genetically alter plant cells to attract insects
Scientists have revealed a parasite's role in boosting male insect appeal by modulating host processes to...
Artists discover a new glowing mushroom in Switzerland
Glowing mushrooms are often associated with tropical environments, but they can also be found in Switzerland....
Spiders 'smell' with their legs, new research finds
Spiders have always lived alongside humans, so it's surprising how much we still don't know about...
Models predict climate change will lead to increase in invasive spongy moth outbreaks
Computer models developed by the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory predict that hotter, drier...
Rare video captures following and biting courtship behavior in elusive whale sharks
Courtship and procreative behavior in many species of elasmobranchs—cartilaginous fish including rays, sawfish, sharks, and skates—may...
'Toxic Male Technique' promises faster biocontrol of mosquito populations
A new biological pest control method that targets the lifespan of female insects could significantly reduce...
A fast-moving belly flop: Researchers unveil the unique skills of cricket frogs
Is walking on water possible for frogs? Several species have fascinated observers with their abilities to...
Microplastics are widespread in seafood that people eat, study suggests
The tiny particles that are shed from clothing, packaging and other plastic products are winding up...
A new way to determine whether a species will successfully invade an ecosystem, including the human GI tract
When a new species is introduced into an ecosystem, it may succeed in establishing itself, or...
An abundant phytoplankton feeds a global network of marine microbes
One of the hardest-working organisms in the ocean is the tiny, emerald-tinged Prochlorococcus marinus. These single-celled...
Prime apple growing areas in US face increasing climate risks
Some of the most productive apple regions in America are facing big challenges from a changing...
A new look at the peculiarities of crop-pollinator interactions could boost plant quality
Pollination by animals contributes to a third of global food production, but little research has been...
Small wins for mice in early life can lead to inequality in adulthood
Lucky breaks in a male mouse's youth can lead to large advantages in adulthood.
Bats surf storm fronts during continental migration
Birds are the undisputed champions of epic travel, but they are not the only long-haul fliers....
Dogs sniff out devastating spotted lanternflies for early detection
Growers and conservationists have a new weapon to detect invasive spotted lanternflies early and limit their...
Quantity over quality? Different bees are attracted to different floral traits
When it comes to deciding where they're going to get their next meal, different species of...
Striking new moray eel discovered in Central Indo-Pacific river mouths, named after god of the underworld
The Hades' snake moray (Uropterygius hades), a dark brown, slender snake moray eel, has chosen the...
Morphological evidence supporting four giraffe species classifications
The University of Cape Town, along with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, have conducted a large-scale study...
How monkeys recognize snakes so quickly
Dr. Nobuyuki Kawai from Nagoya University in Japan has found that the rapid detection of snakes...
Study of chimps cracking nuts shows some are much better at it than others
A team of anthropologists at the University of Oxford's School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, working...
Borneo's mountains reveal a new species of orangutan-colored giant pitcher plant
A team of botanists at Malaysia's Sabah Forestry Department's Forest Research Centre, working with a pair...
Ants prove superior to humans in group problem-solving maze experiment
Anyone who has dealt with ants in the kitchen knows that ants are highly social creatures;...