~undercover-economis | Bookmarks (16)
What if DogeCoin became the official US currency? Your strange economics questions, answered.
What if the total sum of wealth in the world was immediately and simultaneously redistributed equally...
What vaccine hesitancy teaches us about politics
Robert F Kennedy Jr is a man best known for his years of tireless work undermining...
High growth doesn't tell the story of the US economy
Bill Clinton’s election strategist James Carville wanted his 1992 presidential campaign to focus on three simple...
Why are governments so bad at problem solving?
The democratic world is stuck in a self-destructive, self-reinforcing loop: unforced policy errors lead to desperate...
What can we learn from fraud and folly?
The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, for work that “makes you laugh, then makes you think”, came...
The games I'll be playing this Christmas
There are at least two kinds of games, the religious scholar James Carse explained: “One could...
'Known unknowns', or how to plug the gaps in public research
In 1979, Archie Cochrane published an essay chastising (not for the first time) his fellow doctors....
How to give a good speech
There are many ways to give a terrible speech. The chief executive who pulls out a...
Beard taxes and other lessons for Rachel Reeves
When Ernest Borgnine auditioned for the title role of Marty, he knew this could be his...
If I want to get fitter, should I wear a fitness watch?
We have a tendency to sleepwalk into adopting new technologies, and my new fitness-tracking watch is...
Trick questions, first instincts, and the benefits of thinking twice
A first impression suggests that there is nothing to be gained from reading Alex Bellos’s new...
Should everyone earn their pay rise?
Mozart and Haydn were composing string quartets a quarter of a millennium ago, when the industrial...
My biggest productivity mistake
From time to time, my editor will suggest that I write a column about how to be...
What we can and can’t say about what we do and don’t know
Earlier in the summer, the Democratic party and its supporters faced a difficult decision: should they...
Misinformed about misinformation
After a spasm of concern about the role of misinformation in fuelling racist riots in England,...
Cautionary Tales Live at the Bristol Festival of Economics
Next Wednesday, 7pm at the Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building. We’ll be recording an episode live...