~nodeweekly | Issue 552 - Node v23, and a proper hello to Express v5 (10)
Node.js — Node v23.0.0 (Current)
Node v23.0.0 (Current) Released — Say hello to the newest release line of Node.js that gets...
Introducing Express v5: A New Era for Node.js Framework
Introducing Express v5: The Official Express v5 Release Post! — We first spied the release of...
In the future using top-level await might be cause a backwards compatibility break in Node
How Top-Level await Could Break Compatibility — Node 23 makes it possible to load ES modules...
The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono
The Story of the Hono Web Framework — Hono is a lightweight framework designed to run...
Why I’m skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in “faster” languages
Why I’m Skeptical of Rewriting JavaScript Tools in “Faster” Languages — Rewriting common JavaScript infrastructure / build...
Best Testing Practices in Node.js | AppSignal Blog
Best Testing Practices in Node.js — A quick-fire list of 15 worthwhile testing practices to use...
Javet 4.0.0 documentation
Javet 4.0: Embed Node and V8 in Java Apps — My JVM knowledge is poor enough...
GitHub - ghostlexly/ultimate-expressjs-starter-kit: 🌟 Battle ready ultimate expressjs typescript starter kit (REST API) 🌟
Ultimate ExpressJS Starter — Yes, another one! This ‘batteries-included’ TypeScript-based Express.js boilerplate app does include a...
GitHub - VladimirMikulic/route-list: Beautifully shows Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify routes in CLI.
route-list: CLI Tool to Display Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify Routes — If you’ve got a Node-based webapp and you...
Electron 33.0.0 | Electron
Electron 33.0: The Cross-Platform Desktop App Framework — Electron drops a major release each two months....