~nodeweekly | Bookmarks (169)
Web Performance | Build Faster Websites & Web Applications
Master Performance and Speed Up Your Site — This detailed video course shares the fundamentals of...
GitHub - kentcdodds/match-sorter: Simple, expected, and deterministic best-match sorting of an array in JavaScript
match-sorter 7.0: Deterministic Best-Match Array Sorting — If you have an array of items you want...
Hello from Fetch Mock | Fetch Mock
Fetch Mock 12.0: Mock Requests by the fetch API — A flexible API for mocking HTTP...
Introducing Express v5: A New Era for Node.js Framework
Introducing Express v5: The Official Express v5 Release Post! — We first spied the release of...
Node.js — Node v23.0.0 (Current)
Node v23.0.0 (Current) Released — Say hello to the newest release line of Node.js that gets...
In the future using top-level await might be cause a backwards compatibility break in Node
How Top-Level await Could Break Compatibility — Node 23 makes it possible to load ES modules...
The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono
The Story of the Hono Web Framework — Hono is a lightweight framework designed to run...
Why I’m skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in “faster” languages
Why I’m Skeptical of Rewriting JavaScript Tools in “Faster” Languages — Rewriting common JavaScript infrastructure / build...
Best Testing Practices in Node.js | AppSignal Blog
Best Testing Practices in Node.js — A quick-fire list of 15 worthwhile testing practices to use...
Javet 4.0.0 documentation
Javet 4.0: Embed Node and V8 in Java Apps — My JVM knowledge is poor enough...
GitHub - ghostlexly/ultimate-expressjs-starter-kit: 🌟 Battle ready ultimate expressjs typescript starter kit (REST API) 🌟
Ultimate ExpressJS Starter — Yes, another one! This ‘batteries-included’ TypeScript-based Express.js boilerplate app does include a...
GitHub - VladimirMikulic/route-list: Beautifully shows Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify routes in CLI.
route-list: CLI Tool to Display Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify Routes — If you’ve got a Node-based webapp and you...
Electron 33.0.0 | Electron
Electron 33.0: The Cross-Platform Desktop App Framework — Electron drops a major release each two months....
Hacking Scale | Better Stack | Substack
Become a Better Engineer in Less Than 5 Minutes a Week — Hacking Scale is a bi-weekly...
Announcing Deno 2
Announcing Deno 2: Node Done Right, Again(?) — What if the inventor of Node got to...
Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta - TypeScript
Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta — The newest TypeScript is on the way. As always, there's a...
Node vs Bun: no backend performance difference
Node vs Bun: No Backend Performance Difference? — You can always trust a benchmark to ruffle...
GitHub - SBoudrias/Inquirer.js: A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
Inquirer.js 12.0: A Collection of Common Interactive CLI Controls — Want to ask your users questions?...
GitHub - 1111mp/nvm-desktop: Node Version Manager Desktop - A desktop application to manage multiple active node.js versions.
Node Version Manager Desktop 4.0 — A Tauri-powered desktop app for macOS, Windows and Linux to...
GitHub Actions Price Calculator
Check Out Depot's GitHub Actions Price Calculator and Optimize Your Builds — Depot just launched a...
pretty-print: Appealing String Representations of JS Values — Produce a string representation of any value. Similar...
🤖 KaibanJS: A Framework for Building Multi-Agent Systems — Why let Python have all the AI and...
How Bun supports V8 APIs without using V8 (part 1) | Bun Blog
How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without Using V8 — Bun uses the JavaScriptCore engine, not V8,...
Node.js — Node v20.18.0 (LTS)
Node v20.18.0 (LTS) Released; v20 'Iron' Prepares to Bow Out as Active LTS Release — It’s been...