~new-atlas-new-techn | Bookmarks (1051)
Shin-friendly mountain bike pedals put the pins on the shoes
If you're a mountain biker, chances are you don't like being whacked in the shins by...
Students punished at school struggle more with anxiety and depression
A study out of the University of Minnesota has revealed that kids who face various forms...
4K gaming projector "built to handle the fastest-paced action"
Philips is tempting players to pre-order "the ultimate gaming projector built for unparalleled performance and total...
Looking Glass holographic displays now run videos from your iPhone
Looking Glass, which makes special screens that display 3D holograms you can see without wearing a...
Is there a benefit to scratching that itch? Yes and no, says new study
The itch from bug bites, rashes, and other skin conditions can sometimes be so overpowering that...
"Kick and kill": HIV cure could be hiding in FDA-approved drug
HIV has become a more manageable condition in recent years, but a full cure remains elusive....
Review: Newest Roomba makes mopping and vacuuming even more hands-off
Much like airfryers, people feel very strongly about robotic vacuum systems – and in particularly those...
‘Fatty cartilage’ discovery set to revolutionize regenerative medicine
Researchers have discovered a new type of tissue, a soft and flexible ‘fatty cartilage’ that could...
Retro Spaceplane aces test for space station cargo missions
A retro-futuristic spacecraft with a mixture of the old and new has passed a major milestone...
Asteroid Bennu came from a distant, lost world of salty ponds
Asteroid Bennu seems to have come from a long-lost world on the fringes of the solar...
FDA approves new class of painkiller – the first in more than 20 years
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of a novel painkiller as an...
Motorcycling’s M.C.Escher hits the auction block as an underdog
He's an eccentric motorcycle and engine building genius who regularly creates mind-bending engineering alchemy and has...
Chinese eco-retreat disorients guests using perspective distortion
Advanced Architecture Lab and Wiki World have joined forces to create a wilderness retreat that challenges...
Tracked super-SUV could be your last chance at high-alpine extrication
Genesis is not new to concepts. The South Korean carmaker has released quite a few of...
Take a back seat, gecko feet – blood-pumping salamander toes get a great grip
A new study suggests that a tree-dwelling salamander may be able to control its grip on...
Cargo ship captures CO2 from its own exhausts and stores it on-deck
Transporting goods on huge fossil-fueled cargo ships is a dirty business. But one such vessel is...
Popular diet linked to better brain organization
Based on a study of nearly 3,000 adults, one particular, simple diet has been shown to...
Luxurious tiny house puts cottage living on wheels
Timbercraft Tiny Homes has carved out a niche for itself in the small living movement with...
'Robot blood' powers soft-bodied jellyfish and worm robots
Researchers at Cornell University have been working on batteries that can 'flow' through the internal structures...
World's first color-changing guitar aims to "break all of the rules"
E Ink and Cream Guitars have introduced the first-ever guitar that can dynamically change colors, allowing...
Weight-loss breakthrough as new appetite-curbing hormone is found
A brand new candidate for weight-loss treatment is on the table, with scientists uncovering for the...
1-minute video game distinguishes autistic from neurotypical kids
A low-cost tool accurately distinguishes neurotypical children from children with autism just by watching them copy...
Musk promises Tesla robotaxis yet again – this time by June
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the company will roll out a fleet of autonomous vehicles that...
Popular exercise supplement may cut depression & enhance psychotherapy
A compelling new study is building on a growing body of evidence showing a common exercise...