~metafilter | Bookmarks (958)
Muskism and McCarthyism
Corey Robin in n+1. Too wide-ranging for a single pull quote, here is a smattering of...
The craggy, orange-dusted Cheeto comes in all manner of amusing shapes
A Flamin' Hot Cheeto Shaped Like a Pokémon Just Sold for $90,000 [Art News]
Yo La Tengo 2025 WFMU All-Request Marathon TODAY
Yo La Tengo are once again playing requests for pledges beginning at 3pm ET TODAY on...
Retired hens revitalise Cyprus olive groves
Retired hens revitalise Cyprus olive groves. Organic farmers in Cyprus have recruited hundreds of retired hens...
Affirming the present view
Update on the Illinois flag competition: the current flag is the winner.
Definitive Jux
"Though it may have felt as if it ended just as soon as it started, Definitive...
Terra Collage
TerraCollage "Roman De Giuli is a German photographer and filmmaker, specialized in practical effects and experimental...
Victoria Amelina 1986-2023
On March 8, 2022, I went to celebrate International Women's Day with my colleague. On the...
It can feel like an aspiration to be of nowhere in particular
You're probably familiar with the tone accompanying these, of gentle incredulity and deep sighs: photos of...
I’m invasive and delicious. EAT ME! Please?
An invasive species from South America is decimating California's crops. Nutria, rodents originally from South America,...
Their brief moment in the sun foretells our own present darkness
It begins as a shuffle but soon becomes an unstoppable march. What ska had imbibed from...
FiveThirtyEight is no more.
ABC shuts down FiveThirtyEight and pulls the plug on its website. The last 15 or so...
The Smell of Success
Anosmia, or loss of the sense of smell, is a frequent consequence of COVID-19. Most people...
The decline of letters: Denmark edition
BBC: Denmark's state-run postal service, PostNord, is to end all letter deliveries at the end of...
Saul Steinberg, yesterday and today
Saul Steinberg, as a figure in American art, is poised to evaporate. A specificity or worked...
It is March 30, 1992. Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy" has begun its descent from...
Small ship stuck
The Humber estuary is a challenging place to navigate. At high tide, its wide expanse of...
Think ahead
Many people struggle to make tradeoffs between present wants and future wishes, resulting in the tendency...
Why Techdirt Is Now A Democracy Blog (Whether We Like It Or Not)
When you've spent years watching how some tech bros break the rules in pursuit of personal...
Captive-bred eastern quolls released into Tasmanian Midlands
Endangered eastern quolls released into wild in Tasmanian conservation project. An ambitious conservation effort to boost...
Don't forget, Europe's been through all this before.
As they politely remind us here, ca 2017, I'm sure we remember why. As I run...
What if we just said: no.
REI's worker union is asking members to vote "withhold" on all Board candidates Unionized employees of...