~metafilter | Bookmarks (965)
Anti-Asian Structural Violence, an Example
Charlet Takahashi Chung, voice actress for Overwatch and other video games as well as films, documents...
Microscope Museum
The Microscope Museum is an on-line 'collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments' (also available...
Something odd has happened with American memory
"Disinhibition" is a word that has recently migrated from the lexicon of psychology into that of...
Hundreds of modified trees described as national treasure
Hundreds of modified trees on outback property in outback New South Wales described as a national...
At Least Pumpkins Are Mostly Carbohydrates
i give the gift of gourd (SLYT). A decorative gourd-themed TikTok science debunk goes wrong.
Some have Grape-Nuts thrust upon them
But making a breakfast cereal was not the original intention of Charles William Post, the founder...
Second Sunrise over New Mombasa
February, 2003: Following the smashing, console-defining success of Halo: Combat Evolved, developer Bungie was facing a...
Hail Great God, Lord of the Place of the Two Goddesses of What is Right
Ancient Egyptian Wooden Funerary Figures Utilising stylistic traits to create a taxonomy of ancient Egyptian wooden...
'Their echo chamber doubles as this country’s largest media networks.'
Liberals, provably out of touch with America, must change their media diet (slSplinter)
'What's blood for? If not for shedding?'
Tony Todd, the titular Candyman, the laconic coroner of Final Destination, dead at 69.
'I had to start dating upper-class girls to learn about shoes'
"Every time I sit down to write, I have a great fear that anything I write...
Boss’s greed has G-O-T-T-O-G-O
Strike-friendly games from the NYT tech guild "New York Times tech workers are still on strike...
Predistribution vs redistribution
"Compensate the Losers?" Economic Policy and Partisan Realignment in the US by Ilyana Kuziemko, Nicolas Longuet-Marx,...
The Arctic Seed Vault Shows the Flawed Logic of Climate Adaptation
"It's smart to plan for the future. But the seed vault assumes that we know enough...
Zoo elephants spotted using hoses
Why shower with your nose when you can use a hose? Zoo elephants adopt garden tech....
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow / No tomorrow, no tomorrow
The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About - "At the height of the Cold War,...
In the early 19th century, German naturalist Lorenz Oken quickly established himself as a leader in...
'Looking for Answers at the Nancy Drew Convention'
Jadie Stillwell & Nicole Blackwood (LitHub, 11/2024), "Among the Sleuths": "the fictional detective became a mythic...
absolutely ludicrous
Watching Rocky IV in 2024, however, was clarifying to me in the ongoing debate around "21st...
'The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.'
The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time ...just what it says on the tin.Before the...
I Can't Drive 25
Via the Video Game Weather ASMR YT channel & This Week in Sound: Eight hours with...
Meanwhile use for housing
Housing model that's gold for women fleeing domestic violence. The model turns empty buildings into homes...
Seeking community in the face of the US election
If you're visiting MetaFilter for the first time in a while because whoa, US election, just...
Files Done
Elwood Edwards, the voice behind AOL's You've Got Mail has passed away at 74.His voice is...