~lobsters | Bookmarks (1922)
How I think about Zig and Rust
Zig and Rust are the two great systems languages of our time, and discussions of their...
A surprising scam email that evaded Gmail's spam filter
I received a surprising scammy email today, and I ended up learning some things about email...
Improve Rust Compile Time by 108X
Before you get too excited, the techniques used to reduce compilation time are not applicable to...
Packaging the Multipass Flutter GUI for NixOS
The very first application I ever packaged in nixpkgs was Multipass. Multipass is, according to the...
How do I internationalize my CMS?
Denizen is a CMS for personal websites. I want to work on multi-language support – people...
Laptop archeology – or – how to install NixOS 24.11 on a 25 year old laptop
Earlier this year I brought an old laptop to my home my grandfather once gave. It...
Using PCBs to create front panels for your projects | arx
written on: , last update: Regular FR4 or aluminum PCBs can be used to create cheap...
The DIY FOSS cyborg -- Dustycloud Brainstorms
Do you feel the allure of becoming a cyborg? Are you one of those people who...
Unraveling a Postgres segfault that uncovered an Arm64 JIT compiler bug
Here’s an error that no developer wants to see in their Postgres server logs: server process...
Fenwick Trees are Awesome!
This post will only use one-based indexing since that’s what Fenwick trees traditionally use, although they...
Rapidly rendering fractals on stupidly unsuitable machines
So a week or so ago I wrote a toy Mandelbrot generator for the BBC Micro,...