~hackernews | Bookmarks (12370)
Bicameral, Not Homoiconic
If you spend enough time reading internet discussions of programming languages, you’ll learn that Lispy languages...
The FBI's WofMD Program Has a New Target: Animal Rights Activists
On a chilly, early morning in January 2019, a group of animal rights activists descended upon...
Vesuvius Challenge: First letters found in new scroll
PHerc. 172 (Scroll 5)Today we are thrilled to share a new scroll dataset that is already...
Oxford Electric Bell
Experimental electric bell The Oxford Electric Bell in December 2009 Charged by the two piles, the...
Ampere WS-1 Japanese APL Clamtop
From the April 1985 issue of ASCII magazineWhen I first started researching this company, I couldn’t...
'Brain rot' named Oxford Word of the Year 2024
Following a public vote in which more than 37,000 people had their say, we’re pleased to...
Working with PaloAlto to identify CVE-2024-2550
Introduction AC3 are a secure managed services provider focused on building, running and security mission critical...
President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden
President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden, who faced sentencing...
Can't Driven Development
Do you find it challenging to design a new software project? Is it difficult to know...
Scalable and Performant Data Loading
Takeaways:We present SPDL, a new data loading solution for AI model training.SPDL is a framework-agnostic data...
Thinking in Actors – Challenging your software modelling to be simpler
Recently some posts I’ve made on Reddit and Hacker News have garnered some interest. Usually, I’m...
Police bust pirate streaming service making €250M per month
An international law enforcement operation has dismantled a pirate streaming service that served over 22 million...