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Relative - Futility Closet
When E flat made its entrée into the drawing-room, C and G considered it a third...
Smart Money - Futility Closet
Mr. Smith goes to Atlantic City to gamble for a weekend. To guard against bad luck,...
Two Dire Punishments - Futility Closet
Under Roman law, subjects found guilty of patricide were subjected to poena cullei, the “penalty of...
All Right Then - Futility Closet
In the 1970’s, a student of Maoist inclination asked [Columbia philosopher Sidney Morgenbesser] if he disagreed...
Unquote - Futility Closet
“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the...
Four Glasses - Futility Closet
Martin Gardner published this puzzle in his “Mathematical Games” column in Scientific American in February 1979....
Cameo - Futility Closet
Grip, the talking raven in Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge, was based on a real bird, a pet...
Noted - Futility Closet
Archives Select Month October 2024 September 2024 August 2024 July 2024 June 2024 May 2024 April...
Band Practice - Futility Closet
Drill a hole straight through the center of a sphere, leaving a band in the shape...
Passing Through - Futility Closet
Just a striking image: German astronomer Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt prepared a plaster moon for the...
Flat Devotion - Futility Closet
William Linkhaw sang so badly that a grand jury indicted him for disrupting his church’s services....
A Pi Diet - Futility Closet
Students beginning with the compass learn to draw this rosette, sometimes called the Flower of Life....
"Through the Looking-Glass" - Futility Closet
C.S. Kipping published this unusual problem in Chess Amateur in 1923. In each position, White is...
Fish Story - Futility Closet
Then there is the other secret. There isn’t any symbolysm. The sea is the sea. The...
A Belt Font - Futility Closet
Suppose you have a collection of gears pinned to a wall (disks in the plane). When...
The Sussman Anomaly - Futility Closet
MIT computer scientist Gerald Sussman offered this example to show the importance of sophisticated planning algorithms...
Entre Nous - Futility Closet
In 1896 the letter above arrived at the New York post office. As there was no...
All the Uses of This World - Futility Closet
As a footnote to the above, I would like to say that I am getting very...