~ecology-news-biolog | Bookmarks (459)
River microbes near wastewater treatment plants express high levels of antibiotic resistance genes, study shows
Rivers and streams serve as critical connectors across vast geographical landscapes, trickling out of tucked-away headwaters...
Bioeconomy in Colombia: DNA analysis shows a vital shellfish in decline
Along Colombia's Pacific coast, a small shellfish called piangua has been a crucial part of local...
Vultures and AI as death detectors: A high-tech approach for wildlife research and conservation
In order to use remote locations to record and assess the behavior of wildlife and environmental...
Researchers find trees acclimate to changing temperatures
Climate change is a persistent and growing challenge to plant life on our planet. Changes to...
Genetic analysis of hazelnut trees in British Columbia shows wide dispersal by Indigenous people
A team of environmental management specialists, dendrologists and Indigenous studies researchers found evidence showing that Indigenous...
A bit of bling helps insects dazzle their predators, high-speed camera study shows
Wearing a bright outfit covered in shiny sequins is a sure-fire way to attract attention. Just...
Migrating birds have stowaways: Invasive ticks could spread novel diseases around the world, say scientists
Ticks travel light, but they carry pathogens with them. When they parasitize migrating birds, these journeys...
American soil losing more nutrients for crops due to heavier rainstorms, study shows
Phosphorus, a nutrient in soil essential for sustaining most forms of life, is increasingly disappearing from...
Largest and hairiest of its kind: New feather-duster-legged tarantula discovered in western Cuba
A new species of tarantula, Trichopelma grande, has been discovered in western Cuba by researchers David...
Tree islands restore nature in oil palm plantations: Researchers look into native species recovery in Sumatra
Southeast Asia's tropical forests are renowned for their biodiversity, but at the same time face significant...
Bee alert: Pesticides pose a real threat to more than 70% of wild bees
A new study reveals alarming risks that pesticides pose to ground-nesting bees, which are crucial for...
Fish on film: Uncovering the environmental drivers of black spot syndrome
For many researchers in biology and other natural sciences, dissecting specimens may not be desirable, though...
Worm species thought to have disappeared has been appearing in photos of pygmy seahorses all along
A small team of marine scientists from the University of the Ryukyus, King Abdullah University of...
Biodiversity in the city: Designing urban spaces for humans and animals
Animals and plants also live and thrive on public squares. This creates opportunities for greater biodiversity...
'Walk this way': Model explains how ants create trails to multiple food sources
It's a common sight—ants marching in an orderly line over and around obstacles from their nest...
One or many? Exploring the population groups of the Antarctic blue whale using historical mark-recovery data
Hunted nearly to extinction during 20th century whaling, the Antarctic blue whale, the world's largest animal,...
Mountain lions in LA coexist with outdoor recreationists by taking the night shift
Mountain lions in greater Los Angeles are proactively shifting their activity to avoid interacting with cyclists,...
Experiments show backyard birds learn from their new neighbors when moving house
Scientists have found a trigger for social learning in wild animals. An experiment on great tits...
'Catastrophic declines': Massive data haul reveals why so many plants and animals suffer after fire
The megafires that tore through Australia's forests in 2019–20 burnt more than 10 million hectares. The...
'Cool' white car headlights more likely to dazzle and endanger moths
"Cool" white lights—such as those in modern car headlights—endanger moths by causing them to fly erratically,...
Chlorine mixed with cocoa butter could protect corals from disease and reduce antibiotic pollution
In the tropical Atlantic, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) is particularly severe because the disease...
Reintroduction of fungus-resistant frogs helps facilitate recovery of disease-impacted species
A remote lakeshore deep inside Yosemite National Park teems with life: coyotes, snakes, birds, tadpoles, frogs....
Ocean warming and acidification threaten key ocean plankton groups, study warns
According to a recent study published in Nature, many planktonic foraminifera species may face unprecedented environmental...
Experiments find stress is contagious for animals, too
Animal habitats are currently changing extremely rapidly and extensively due to urbanization and climate change. As...