~debian | Bookmarks (238)
Louis-Philippe Véronneau - 2024 — A Musical Retrospective
2025-01-01 - Louis-Philippe Véronneau Another musical retrospective. If you enjoy this, I also did a 2022...
Review: Driving the Deep by Suzanne Palmer
Driving the Deep is science fiction, a sequel to Finder (not to be confused with Finders,...
Steinar H. Gunderson
Following Dennis Schubert's post on how LLM bots are scraping the Internet continuously at full speed,...
Review: Metal from Heaven by August Clarke
Metal from Heaven is industrial-era secondary-world fantasy with a literary bent. It is a complete story...
Review: House in Hiding by Jenny Schwartz
House in Hiding is the second book of a self-published space fantasy trilogy that started with...
Accessing Atari ST disk images on Linux
This post leverages support for Atari Hard Disk Interface Partition (AHDI) partition tables in the Linux...
Review: The Last Hour Between Worlds by Melissa Caruso
The Last Hour Between Worlds is urban, somewhat political high fantasy with strong fae vibes. It...
Running a Lenovo Legion pro 7 laptop under Debian – Zigo's blog
As I was tired of long build times, so I convinced my boss to buy me...
Review: Number Go Up by Zeke Faux
Number Go Up is a cross between a history and a first-person account of investigative journalism...