~boing-boing-bbs-lat | Bookmarks (1178)
Cute kitten at animal shelter was something else entirely
European wildcat distribution. Did they get to Scotland by Doggerland or human intervention?
Happy mutants rejoice: Boing Boing launches clean, ad-free experience
I wish that I had found boingboing a few years ago instead; spending time here and...
Happy mutants rejoice: Boing Boing launches clean, ad-free experience
So, going forward, I’ll not be able to VIEW any comments without paying substack? Did Peter...
Post your collections/passions
OMG! You designed those yourself? I would have thought the Lego imagineers designed them as part...
Happy mutants rejoice: Boing Boing launches clean, ad-free experience
boingboing: And coming soon: Ad-free searchable archives dating back to 1989! That seems like a good...
The great WORDLE topic (Part 2)
La palabra del dia #1027 2/6 (spoiler) Wordle 1,228 2/6 (spoiler) Today is going to be...
😆 😆 😆 Melizmatic's Meme~Versation, part 7 😜 😜 😜 The Memenificent Seven
https://media4.giphy.com/media/eNw0mdNVRmGMGHDBXi/giphy.webp?cid=78ee4ad3u70krniovce1t21u1455acb5ioxm259pvwro6twu&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g(image larger than 4 MB)
Happy mutants rejoice: Boing Boing launches clean, ad-free experience
It’s been fun my fellow internet weirdos…
Happy mutants rejoice: Boing Boing launches clean, ad-free experience
Angel: Will we still get to keep our badges? Devil: We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!...
Trump the Chump (Part 2)
The Arizona Republic Opinion: Donald Trump's Joe Rogan interview was a brain-rotted waste of 3 hours...
Odd Stuff (Part 5)
Why you shouldn’t consider skydiving on Venus, more useful advice from Brian Cox. The Clouds That...
MAGA influencers launch preemptive deepfake defense as rumors of damaging Trump video surface
MAG supporters have accepted, ignored or disbelieve so many terrible things Trump has done that I...
Homeowners lose bid to privatize road near Walden Pond, public since before U.S. founding
I would not have thought that because a road isn’t maintained, it becomes land up for...
San Francisco metro says goodbye to 5.25" floppies
jaded: And RS-485 was used in a lot of industrial applications. It still is, surprisingly often....
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Part 3)
the Guardian – 27 Oct 24 Ukraine war briefing: Russian attacks kill nine civilians across Ukraine,......
Woman sues Jet Blue over "dangerously cold" ice cream sandwich
Brainspore: The important thing to remember about that case is that the lawsuit was perfectly reasonable...