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A Reintroduction to Programming Imagion composing a BMP image by hand, or writing a executable file...
Typescript Monorepo with NPM workspaces - Dmitry Kudryavtsev
Typescript Monorepo with NPM workspace
GitHub - pawurb/ruby-pg-extras: Ruby PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
ruby-pg Ruby PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and...
GitHub - elijah-potter/harper: The Grammar Checker for Developers
harper The Grammar Checker for Developers. Can be think of your own Grammarly replacement.
GitHub - go-jet/jet: Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
go-jet Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
GitHub - amalshaji/portr: Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websocket connections.
portr Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websocket connections.