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What does learner experience really mean?
According to Kirkpatrick a good learning experience is expected to generate an immediate, positive emotional reaction...
All Things Sales! 16 Mini-Lessons for Startup Founders
Πολυ καλη σύνοψη στο χτίσιμο sales νοοτροπίας και οργανισμού. Πιάνει θέματα από τις αμοιβές των sales...
Awesome Startup Credits – List of free/discounted plans for startups
A collection of awesome companies offering free/discounted plans for eligible startups
Keynote - The Future of Microprocessors | Sophie Wilson
Amdahl's law: Αν έχουμε ένα πρόγραμμα που είναι κατά 95% παραλληλοποιήσιμο, τότε δεν μπορουμε να πάρουμε...
Flexbox | HTML & CSS Is Hard
Very helpful tutorial, explaining Flex nicely. Whenever I have to write something with Flex I have...
lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a...
Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.